People in the U.S. like to treat their Constitution, and its associated Declaration of Independence, like religious works of biblical importance. Immutable. Virtually written by the hands of gods known as founding fathers.

The high priests, the U.S. Supreme Court, spend a lot of time interpreting these documents for their laity. What is meant by “”all men”? Is it just rich, white men who own land, or is it meant in a broader sense?
The quibbles become land forming: Is a corporation a person? What did the founding fathers really mean when they were divinely inspired to write the documents.
These are similar kinds of questions to those that priests, rabbis and imams have been interpreting for the last thousands of years or so from their holy writings.
Early on the U.S. realized that there were addenda and clarifications required. Like the rabbis’ side notes in the Talmud. And amendments (27 of them) were duly added for things like free speech, carrying guns, electing Senators, not drinking alcohol – then drinking alcohol, ending slavery, treating women as if they were people, allowing everyone (well not everyone) to vote, presidential succession and so on. Usually these amendments were made as a reaction to social movements or situations.
Even though amendments were passed, like the Fifteenth Amendment passed in 1870 which granted all U.S. citizens the right to vote regardless of race, it wasn’t until 1924, more than 50 years later, that action had to be taken to allow native people to vote. It took a special amendment in 1920 to allow women to vote.
The changes are hard and painful, even causing at least one war – just to amend these holy writings.
Now it is more than time for the 28th Amendment.
Everyone has the right to be an asshole, to be selfish, demand your own way, and to take advantage of others as far as the law allows.
This amendment has been pretty much already in effect for some time and articulates how many believe the world really works and has worked in the United States. It can be summed up in the words of Gordon Gekko from Wall Street, “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
You can slam the door in front of an old lady, but should you? You can cut off that car beside you, but should you? Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Everyone already does exercise their right to this amendment. We are just suggesting that it be reflected.
Is it a sign of the times, like drinking alcohol or women voting? Horrors!
Companies have already been training their customers to be distrustful skeptics or jerks under the this yet to be passed amendment. “Thou Shalt Exploit” according to the 28th Amendment.
It is expressed by activities as cars hogging middle lanes because they can; direct mail, telemarketers and spammers preying on unaware consumers; or, banks ripping off customers, because they can. Need I go on?
Heartlessness does not need to be part of greed. Even though it has already evolved into a core value. Isn’t it time to reflect it?
Oh sure, the naysayers will chime in that Heartlessness might work fine in the short term, but it is a bad long term strategy. Distrust eventually brings down societies. Societies need their members to depend on each other to survive. That’s one of the downsides of thinking you have priority, you are special, you are the exception.
When a country considers itself exceptional, why shouldn’t each and every one of its citizens also consider themselves exceptional as well – and not needing to bend to the legal and ethical rules.
With this amendment they would now have the legal right to do so and be an asshole.